Life on the Open Road (April 2006 - May 2008)

The continuing saga of a single fulltime RVer who travels the western US. This is part one of my journey, from April 2006, when the blog started, to May 2008, when the blog continues at

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I have been a full-time RVer for 20 years, primarily "boondocking," camping free without hookups, in the Western US. My batteries are charged solely by solar panels. I welcome your comments and emails. I also make trips to other countries, although not usually with the RV.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Back to the 11th Street Cowboy Bar

Wow! Is this too much smile? This cowboy is Ronnie Furr, who sang 5 nights at our park for the rally, then on Sunday afternoon sang at the 11th Street Cowboy Bar in town.

Once again, our group overran the place.

To hear Ronnie, and to see if my dancing has improved, click on the arrow.

He really puts on a great show, with just the right mix of 2-step, swing, waltz and cha-cha.

He often jumps off the stage and mixes with the crowd. Here he's singing and dancing "Elvira."

But he always saves the last dance for his wife, Terri.


Blogger sally said...

Looking good to me!!

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look great!

Wish I could have heard "Elvira" as it is one of my favorites.

7:04 AM  
Blogger Barbara and Ron said...

He sounds as good as he looks and why does his name sounds familiar to me?

Your jitterbug is great, although I know cha-cha is your favorite.

9:30 PM  

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