Life on the Open Road (April 2006 - May 2008)

The continuing saga of a single fulltime RVer who travels the western US. This is part one of my journey, from April 2006, when the blog started, to May 2008, when the blog continues at

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I have been a full-time RVer for 20 years, primarily "boondocking," camping free without hookups, in the Western US. My batteries are charged solely by solar panels. I welcome your comments and emails. I also make trips to other countries, although not usually with the RV.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Dance Rally Starts

I was pretty excited - dancing and cowboys! What could be better? The rally actually started April 13th, but I've been so busy dancing that I am way behind with the blog.

It all started out with a weenie roast down by the Medina River, called "Down on the Farm with Andy." Here's Andy working hard to keep us fed.

Some of the 170 rally attendees.

I'm in the middle of the picture. After dinner we were entertained by a cowboy poet.

We had breakfast every morning. There were 5 teams of participants who made breakfast and performed various other tasks necessary to keep the rally running smoothly. I served pancakes one morning.

Every afternoon we all got together to "meet and greet." The team in charge that day provided snack foods and entertainment.

There were dance lessons almost every day.

And dances every night, either here in the park or in town. More on the various dances in future posts!


Blogger Barbara and Ron said...

And don't you look happy!?! That's a lot of hot dogs, but I see Tom supervising so I'm sure everything went smoothly.

11:23 PM  
Blogger owner said...

I agree, never seen you so happy. Life must be good.

5:43 AM  
Blogger sally said...

Cowboys??? Looks like a bunch of farmers to me. But fun, dancing farmers.

2:12 PM  

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