Life on the Open Road (April 2006 - May 2008)

The continuing saga of a single fulltime RVer who travels the western US. This is part one of my journey, from April 2006, when the blog started, to May 2008, when the blog continues at

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I have been a full-time RVer for 20 years, primarily "boondocking," camping free without hookups, in the Western US. My batteries are charged solely by solar panels. I welcome your comments and emails. I also make trips to other countries, although not usually with the RV.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Law West of the Pecos

In Langtry, TX, Judge Roy Bean was the "law west of the Pecos." The West's most colorful justice of the peace, he ruled America's last frontier in the last decades of the 19th century.

In this combination saloon/billiard hall and courtroom called the Jersey Lilly, he dispensed hard liquor and harsh justice.

Tales about the Judge multiplied until he became a legend -- even in his own time.

Next to the Jersey Lilly is now a beautiful cactus garden.

The Pecos River flows into the Rio Grande just east of Langtry.

For a $2 donation, you can stay overnight in the Community Center parking lot, just a block south, and right next to some picturesque, falling-down buildings.


Blogger sally said...

I saw that movie - Judge Roy Bean, with Paul Newman.
And in the movie The Westerner, Walter Brennan played Judge Roy Bean who was obsessed with Lillie Langtry. He spared Gary Cooper from hanging after he claimed to know Lillie Langtry.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! That was a short Big Bend stay. Your photos were great. Thanks.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just $2! What a great deal.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Barbara and Ron said...

I expected more pictures of the falling-down buildings! It sounds like the Judge was a real character.

10:25 AM  

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