Life on the Open Road (April 2006 - May 2008)

The continuing saga of a single fulltime RVer who travels the western US. This is part one of my journey, from April 2006, when the blog started, to May 2008, when the blog continues at

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I have been a full-time RVer for 20 years, primarily "boondocking," camping free without hookups, in the Western US. My batteries are charged solely by solar panels. I welcome your comments and emails. I also make trips to other countries, although not usually with the RV.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Helicopter Tour of Glacier National Park

I decided about a year ago that I should do more tours by helicopter or small plane of areas that it is impossible or too difficult to hike to. This one has to be the crown jewel of them all. Wow! I even got to sit in the front seat. (The trick to getting the front seat is to go on the tour by yourself.)



Blogger sally said...

WOW!! Beautiful pictures!! I'm jealous.

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inviting scenery shots. Thanks for the memory. I've seen Glacier from the ground -- mostly in the trees anticipating a grizzly attack at any moment. A ride in the air looks like a much better way to see the Park. However, I do remember the grandeur of the drive when going to the Road to the Sun.

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pauline and I are jealous!!! The pictures are great. I really enjoy seeing all the places you and Randy are going to. Keep the photos coming.


5:33 PM  
Blogger squire said...

Ok Randy, lets fork over the scoop on your trailer.

7:14 AM  

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