Life on the Open Road (April 2006 - May 2008)

The continuing saga of a single fulltime RVer who travels the western US. This is part one of my journey, from April 2006, when the blog started, to May 2008, when the blog continues at

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I have been a full-time RVer for 20 years, primarily "boondocking," camping free without hookups, in the Western US. My batteries are charged solely by solar panels. I welcome your comments and emails. I also make trips to other countries, although not usually with the RV.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Is He Crazy?

When I first saw this guy in Van Horn, TX, I couldn't imagine why he would burden himself with a guitar and a big dog. Is his pack half filled with dog food? Who would pick him up?

But then I thought about it some more. Maybe they are the only joys in his life. Maybe he doesn't care if anyone picks him up. And maybe they are his way of connecting with other people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the main defference between him and a lot of us is the expensive by his standards RV to maintain.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Barbara and Ron said...

Maybe any or all of those things, but he really doesn't look destitute. Maybe he's just a free spirit.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Rojo said...

No $4.00 + gas to buy, no maintenance, no insurance, no ghetto RV resorts, Wish I had been there 40 years ago, now I am to old and tired for that life style.

The Jeanie & Rojo

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An ultimate boondocker????

12:52 PM  

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